Michigan Unemployment

All information is based on our current understanding as of the date that it is posted. Please keep in mind this information is changing rapidly – it can and likely will change. Some information becomes outdated the same date it posted. Although we will monitor and update this page as new information becomes available, please do not rely solely on this page. We encourage you to contact your De Boer Baumann & Company advisor for the latest information.

Employers should consider their eligibility for federal assistance before deciding whether to place employees on temporary leave or terminate them. View the State’s guidance for employers contemplating potential layoffs.

Elimination of Certain Unemployment Costs to Employers

Under the governor’s executive order, any benefit paid to a claimant that is laid off or placed on a leave of absence must not be charged to the account of the employer. This executive order is effective retroactive to March 16, 2020 and expires April 22, 2020.

Work Share

Employers are encouraged to implement the State’s Work Share program that allows employers to keep their employees working with reduced hours, while employees collect partial unemployment benefits to make up a portion of the lost wages. More information about Work Share is available online at www.michigan.gov/WorkShare.

Expansion of Unemployment Benefits

Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-24 expands unemployment benefits to: 

  • Sick Workers: Workers who are sick, quarantined, or immunocompromised and who do not have access to paid family and medical leave or are laid off. 
  • Workers Caring for Loved Ones: Workers who have an unanticipated family care responsibility, including those who have childcare responsibilities due to school closures, or those who are forced to care for loved ones who become ill and who do not have access to paid family and medical leave or are laid off

The governor’s order also extends access to benefits for unemployed workers:

  • Increased Weeks: Benefits will be increased from 20 to 26 weeks. 
  • Longer Application Time: The application eligibility period will be increased from 14 to 28 days. 
  • Fewer Requirements: The in-person registration and work search requirements will be suspended.