What Do Your Warehouse Workers Value Most?

What Do Your Warehouse Workers Value Most?

When it comes to worker retention, employers need to know what is most important to their employees. Surveys of hourly warehouse workers have concluded that the number one employment issue is pay. Aside from layoffs, the top reason workers left their jobs was because they found higher paying jobs elsewhere.

According to the survey, job security and benefits ranked 2nd and 3rd, respectively. Paid time off was much further down the list, ranked 8th, and recognition came in last.

Despite decreasing unemployment rates over the past two years, workers’ average pay has only increased 1.2%, and over half of those surveyed said they would switch to a less desirable shift for a raise of $1 or less per hour. Industry consultants suggest setting a competitive pay rate from day one, to retain your best workers and keep your operation moving as smoothly as possible.

Read more in the full article from Material Handling & Logistics.


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