National Agriculture Day is March 21

National Agriculture Day is March 21

National Agriculture Day is coming this month. On March 21, the agriculture industry has a chance to come together and educate the public about the role of agriculture in the economy and Americans’ everyday lives.

Participant Mark Biedenfeld, who has been around agriculture his whole life, got involved with National Ag Day after he read that 68% of consumers said they didn’t know enough about their food and where it comes from. “To me, that’s the perfect invitation for those of us working in agriculture to share everything we know to be good and true about farming,” writes Biedenfeld, “and National Agriculture Day is the perfect opportunity to showcase, educate and celebrate American agriculture.”

If you want to host an Ag Day event but don’t know how to get started, has plenty of resources and ideas. There is a separate page just for teachers, and lots of ways for them to get Ag Day into the classroom, spreading awareness of the role of agriculture in their lives, as well as career opportunities in the industry.

You can find more information at the National Ag Day website.

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