Technology Helping Agriculture Flourish

Technology Helping Agriculture Flourish

Farmers today are combining traditional farming practices with the power of new technology to create techniques used to improve the entire industry. Without disconnecting from the land, farmers are able to leverage technology to help improve farming practices around the globe.

In an article from The Altus Times, author Leilana McKindra writes “For producers thriving in these technology driven times, one of the most popular and can’t-live-without-it piece of technology is GPS.”

In her article, Leilana Mckindra:

  • Provides quotes from producers that have seen the influence technology has had on the agricultural industry
  • Discusses how technology is available to farmers outside of GPS
  • Discusses how producers leverage social media

Mckindra writes, “The rise of technology doesn’t seem to bother producers, though. In fact, many are embracing it”. How do you see the influence of technology not only in the agricultural industry, but throughout the business world?

To read more, see the full article in The Altus Times.

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