5 Agricultural Trends to Watch in 2018

5 Agricultural Trends to Watch in 2018

It has become increasingly easy for those in rural areas to connect with a larger customer base thanks to the Internet and the creation of social media. With these communication tools comes a responsibility for farmers and producers to explain to their customers how their food is made.

In an article from Farm and Dairy, author Katy Mumaw writes, “With an increased number of events causing hysteria, with the rise of “fake news,” an overload of news in general  — thanks to the world being at our fingertips — farmers have to work harder to tell their story, said Jim Carroll, futurist”.

In the article, Mumaw discusses:

  • Increased speed of change
  • Fitbits for cows
  • Global trade advocates
  • Labor shortages
  • Hitting bottom

Mumaw continues, “This year, we need to keep our eye on emerging issues, agritourism and marketing, adds Brad Bergefurd, Ohio State Extension horticulture specialist and educator in Scioto County”. How can farmers use these trends to explain their story?

To read more, see the full article from Katy Mumaw in Farm and Dairy.

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